Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Three Student Sites Critique

Amber- I liked the idea for you're site, as Hollister is a controversial company. I did wish there was more interactivity on the site though, through links on the sidebar and stuff. Also the alignment in the navigation might need t be fixed. I liked how you also brought down the sizing on the shorts, but wish you had added sizing numbers (for example: only available on sizes 0000, 000, 00, and 0.) The picture on the home page is hilarious though, I cant believe you didn't even have to change it!

Yoon- the idea to do a site based on modes from different cultures and what beauty is for each was really interesting. I feel like you came a really long way from when you first had the site up. The models on different pages look like they are organized into tables now, which gives your page stability, as well as making the pictures look better in terms of sizing. I also like how on your "International Models" page you added more diversity in terms of ethnicity, it really shows what "beautiful" is for many cultures. Although you've changed the picture on the top right of each page a few times, I almost with that space had been left blank, and the picture moved to another page if it is important to you. In the "Change of Models" and "Photos" pages, I wish you had used a table model there as well, as these pictures look disproportionate. Overall though, I do feel as if you have come a long way.

Karen- I really liked you're Barbie spoof idea. The website you did looks a lot like the original site you were working off of, which was the main idea of this project. You almost don't realize that there is facts about how Barbie and the media affect young girls until you take a closer look. I also like how you almost talk down to the viewer, making it seem as if idolizing Barbie is the only correct thing to do. The exclamation points as emphasis are also pretty great in my opinion. Overall, I think you really nailed this project.

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