Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spoof critiques

The three student projects I chose to critique were Alexis', Karen's, and Amber's.

I chose Alexis' project because I think that she followed all of the rules of the assignment. She is clearly making fun of something, but unless you look closely at all of the links and faces it looks like any twilight site would. We have spoken in class numerous times about what a good job she did on the main character's faces, and I think she finally captured a good version of the wolf guy. Her links are all working and they all correspond with her message. It is clear that she researched her topic and knew what she was doing while using Dreamweaver.

I chose Karen's project because she worked through a lot to get a great finished project. The site she chose was mostly flash so she had to work around a lot of things, however I think that her site still has the look and feel of the Barbie website. All of her links work and I think that the language she used throughout her site is appropriate for her message. She almost talks down to the viewer which makes the site funny. She also has included a lot of information that no one should ever want to know about Barbie. The Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube pages for Barbie do the job for her, and the way she made her website pushes the message further allowing it to clearly show what she was trying to say.

I chose Amber's because I liked her concept, but the follow through with finishing the project wasn't all there. She has some working links on the first page and has changed some of the language, however once you click from the first page the website seems to only contain screen shots. When she spoke about her idea I understood it very clearly and I wanted her website to mirror her concept. Some of the links on the bottom are also leading to pages that don't exist.

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