Monday, April 4, 2011

Spoof Feedback

The three sites I chose to critique were Karen’s (Barbie), Kayla’s (For Your Marriage) and Heather’s (ABC News). Karen’s website works really well with her concept because she kept the same style of the site and made it humorous and informative. The idea of comparing a Barbie to an American Girl Doll is perfect for this concept because they are so different. I love the use of language and how peppy it all is it emphasizes how influenced kids are by Barbies.

Kayla did a good job of getting her point across in a subtle way. I like the sarcasm in the links at the top and also that there are a lot of other hidden links. I also think it was good that she included information about gay suicide because that is really shocking and people who would be going to the original site would most likely not understand how challenging it could be to be gay, this might grab their attention.

Heather’s site is successful because it gets really frustrating to look at with all the ads and it also is annoying to have so many pop-ups, which is what she was trying to do. Something I would’ve added was a bunch of pop-ups as soon as you click on the first site that way you get annoyed from the start. I really like that the headlines on the side are answered in one sarcastic window and you never actually get to the article. Its also more frustrating when more than one window pops-up and you have to look behind other windows to close them.

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