Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spoof Site Critiques

I chose to critique Sam's, Heather's and Alexis's spoof websites.

I think Sam did a really good job with her site. I like how all the images have been changed, but the feel of the site is the same as the original one so you don't notice right away. The images definitely get her opinion across. They are graphically disturbing and it's hard for me to look at them. I like how Sam changed the recipes to go along with the images that she created. The navigation on her site is easy for me to use and I like that. I hate when I have to search for what I'm trying to look at. I think overall she did a very nice job and her revisions helped make her project very successful.

The revisions that Heather did to her site definitely get her point across more. I like how she added more pop ups and how they link back to the main page now. It was pretty frustrating clicking on all of the links and not really getting anywhere in the actual site. The language of some of the pop ups was pretty successful also. I like how the wording basically mocks you and it adds to the annoying feeling that the ads are giving off. I think she did a good job with the navigation. It was clear to see what you needed to click on. I like how the main ABC news page is just covered with ads everywhere. Heather did a good job with her revisions and her opinion comes of stronger now.

The first thing I noticed when looking at Alexis's site is that she fixed the look of Jacob. He fits in a lot better now with the other characters and he doesn't have that "gnome" like look anymore. His beard matches his hair and I like how she also changed his eyes. I think her homepage is now very successful. I like how the links are pretty simple with a picture and a few words. It's clear to see what pages she wants you to go to. I like how when you click on "visit the world of twilight" the scary image now pops up in a smaller window. The one change that I think could help with her site would be when you click on the movie clips link the image of Bella, and Edward, and Jacob at the top isn't the image that she created. It's still the original one and I think it'd be funny to see the photoshopped faces again especially since all the video clips are making fun of the movie.

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