Thursday, April 7, 2011

Project 4 proposal

For this project I will be representing a memory of a time when I was the closest I've ever been to getting in a car accident. I was going about 75 and a car crept out in front of me going about 30, trying to pick up speed on the highway. I had to make a quick decision, so I looked behind me and to the side of me and decided that I couldn't switch lanes or stop short-- so I chose to speed up and go between lanes to pass the car coming in. I remember feeling really hot because I was nervous, and when I started going through cars my music had never seemed so loud. I had a friend in the car with me who was clenching my arm, which heightened the tension. I remember that there were glares coming from all around me and the sun seemed so bright. If I could pick three words to describe this memory they would be loud, bright, and tense. I made it through the cars (still unsure how) and after I turned the music off and drove in silence while trembling and re-playing the memory through my head over and over, thinking of what could have happened. For this project I want to use images of glares, the textures of roads and cars, noise, and color and shape to express emotion. I am thinking of doing my 10 different pages as collages that take you through each stage of my memory. I want them to just continuously loop like the memory did in my head for the rest of the drive.

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