Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Project 4

For my project I chose a memory of when I use to be on a summer swim team when I was younger. I remember I use to cry before every race and try to get out of swimming it. People had to force me back up on the block and for some reason I was so scared and nervous about swimming in a race. For my site I want to focus on the stress and anticipation of being in a race. For my sound I’ll use a mixture of water sounds, fast heartbeats, heavy breathing, a gunshot and maybe some commentary of nervous thoughts. The imagery I want to use is from the perspective of the person in the race, standing on the block and looking down into the water. I want the website to create a stressful feeling. The movement of the mouse could control where the viewer is looking and what they see (the water, the swimmers next to them, their feet on the block). I also want everything to be in color but create the feeling that it’s a cloudy, chilly day to add to the stress.

The examples I found are:

The Shot- Swimming A Race: This video has a lot of sounds I would like to use and captures the build up of adrenaline in a real race.

This is an example of the type of photos I'd want to use to portray the feeling before a race.

Sound affect of a heart beating. I thought this would be useful for my site because it includes heavy breathing and a fast heartbeat which creates a stressful feeling. I would just like it to be a little clearer maybe and have the breaths be more recognizable because sometimes they sound like wind.

This is a good example because it captures the anticipation before the race beings.

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