Thursday, April 7, 2011

Project #4

For my project I'm using the memory I have right after I woke up from my major surgery last summer. After waking up I remember being really confused and out of it. I was also pretty scared because I had no idea if everything went well. One of the main things I remember is how everything was white in the room. The walls, ceiling, and really bright lights that were shining down on me. I was hooked up to a lot of different wires and I remember feeling uncomfortable. I was very stressed and I remember hearing people talking and the sound of heart monitors. I want to use these sounds in my project. The doctor came over and talked to me, but I don't remember exactly what she said. I remember trying to move, but I couldn't because my body was so weak. For my project I want to use pictures that have a lot of white in them. I took pictures of a wall and lights that I'm going to use in my project. I might try to make the pictures look somewhat blurry since I couldn't really focus much after I woke up. I also want to add in different lines throughout the images to represent the wires that I was hooked up to. I want the lines to be chaotic to give off the feelings of stress and confusion that I had. I also kept fading in and out of sleep so I want my images to fade into black and then back to white again. I'm not sure if I'll loop my images or just keep slightly changing them.

On YouTube I found the sound of a heart monitor that I will use in my project.

I might try to create images similar to Marc Yankus's city pictures. I like how the images are out of focus and the lights look very blurry and circular. I remember seeing things similar to this after I woke up because I was on strong medication and couldn't make out the things I was seeing at first.

I like the pictures of the black lines on this website. I think I might try to create something like this to represent the wires in my images.

This image is basically what I want to create. I like how there's really bright white and then some black. I could do something similar to this for my images that are going to fade into black.

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