Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Project 4 Proposal and 4 Links

Megan Morris

Written Proposal- Project 4

Foy my project, I chose a trip I took to Ireland with my Uncle and sister in 2008. It is one of my favorite memories in my life so far. When I look back and remember my trip, it is a bit cloudy in my mind, as it was a while ago. When I did my free writing, a lot of words came up, but overcast, beauty, secrets, castles, and clean came up time and time again and really stood out for me. I would like to focus on the mysterious beauty of the castles in Ireland and all the secrets they hide. During my trip this was something I thought about a lot because you see so many abandoned castles, and can’t help but wonder what the story behind them is, why they were abandoned and what life must have been life for the previous occupants. Also while walking through these abandoned castles, you frequently come upon secret rooms and passageways, which intrigued me. I want to include a airy dream-like quality to the project as well, because it is reminiscent of the weather there most of the year. We got lucky and were spared the rain that frequently falls in February there, but it was still overcast/partly sunny for the majority of the time, adding to the mystery of the country. For sound, I would like to focus on ambient noise in the form of the wind blowing, quietly in the background. The graphics I’m going to use are my original photographs I took while there, and I will probably edit them to go along with the dream-like quality I’m aiming for. When people enter the site I want a picture of one of the castle doors to be there, and they can click on it and it will zoom in, leading the viewer into the site. I like the idea of having the images laid out in grid form, so the viewer can choose where to go. The pages will sporadically link to one another, to further go along with the dream theme, because in dreams you can jump from topic to topic without skipping a beat and not think anything is wrong or off about the matter. Also when the viewer rolls over the images on the screen, I would like them to turn greyscale or blur, I haven’t decided which I want to do yet.

Web Links

1. I want my page to navigate kind of like this

2. His work deals with the surreal and has dream like aspects

3. While large castle hold so many secrets, this house is just the opposite

4. This photo is evocative of the mood I would like to cerate in my piece

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