Monday, April 4, 2011

Spoof Critique

The three student projects that I chose to critique were Alexis' Twilight spoof, Karen's Barbie spoof, and Heather's Add spoof. I think that Alexis' spoof was really good. Even though some things were already pretty ridiculous as is, I think that she a really good job pushing the craziness over the top. I think her site is easy to navigate through and i think the site really gives a sense of making fun of people's obsession with Twilight.
I liked Karen's Barbie spoof site also. I like the fact that she is not just making fun of Barbie and the people that like her, but she has an underlying cause dealing with anorexia. I think that in making the site the way that she did, it is kind of an eye opener for us to see what some people may really look up to as well as that our society has let Barbie become an icon for young girls when perhaps it sends girls the wrong message.
Heather's site I also liked. All of the links and pop-ups are insanely annoying and I like that on the actual news home page you have a hard time even finding the actual news links. I like how some of the pop-ups end up sending the viewer messages that make them think about what they are actually doing on the computer. Over all I think all three of these sites were pretty successful in getting their points across.

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