Tuesday, June 21, 2011

idk if anyone looks at this still but if so... check out Pawel Kuczynski: his artwork has a good concept

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

three new artists

I love these artists use of color.

Check out more artists by clicking on the image.

3 New Artists

David D'Andrade - This artist does a lot of digital work which I found to be interesting. I chose this piece because it has a lot of texture and I plan to incorporate textures into my project.
Bart Vargas - This work does not directly correlate to my upcoming project but I chose Vargas because I thought his work along with the titles of his work were interesting. This piece is called Information Bomb. He uses waste from computers and makes them into other things- there is also a piece that is made out of wires and keys into a bird nest. I believe that he is making a statement about our culture through his work.
Tim Clorius - I chose this artist because he uses a lot of color and shape successfully, which I hope to do in my memory project. His work also has a collage-y feel to it, and being that we are starting from a blank page, it was helpful to look at to see where I should be aiming to go.

3 New Artists


3 new artists

Cheeming Boey sketches his work onto foam cups. It's different and visually appealing.

Jose Parla creates work based on street art.

Tracy Rocca creates very interesting paintings based on blurred photographs. Her work could help me with my Memory project.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Three new artists

Jason Di Caires Taylor created an underwater installation of statues that change over time and become apart of the sea life.

Davy and Kristen Mcguire create a miniature theater experience using cut out paper, lights and film.

Benedict Cambell is an awesome photographer and artists, his style is very interesting and different.

3 new artists

Alison Jardine- I chose this artist because she has interesting ways of representing light in her work. This could be helpful to other students who need light in their projects.

Erik Otto- I chose this artist because myself along with a few other people in class are using color and shape to express emotion in their projects. This artist uses a lot of this and has some very cool techniques in his work.
Myeongbeom Kim - I chose this artist because they have very interesting kind of surreal pieces.

Project 4

For my project I want to use flash to represent the moments of a car crash. While some parts seem to happen instantly, others seem to stop time altogether. In order to do this I am going to manipulate the time line in flash to have images appear to develop as fast or as slow as I would like them to in relation to my story. To do this I was planning on taking my own pictures at different points on a road and making it appear as the viewer were along for the ride.

New Artists

Continue to check out my research link updates by clicking on the image.
For project 4 I want some of my images to be blurry and out of focus. I found a tutorial on the Bokeh Effect used in photoshop which really helped.

Two new artists I found are Julian Lesser and KC Collins.
Here is one good place to find a lot of outrageous fonts.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Project 4

For this project, I decided to focus on the moment when I found out that my grandpa passed away. I want to start out by portraying a bright, normal day. From that brightness, I want day to turn gloomy, stormy, out of focus, and confusing. I want to use storm noises, ambulance sirens, thunder, etc. I want to have the first few web pages to be sort of mellow and calm, then as the pages continue, the frames will progressively get quicker, more caotic, and confusing, while all of the noises come together to create even more intensity. Then for the final page, I want one image that portrays a bit of brokeness that shows that life goes on but its just not quite the same anymore.

I like the blur of this photo

I like the way that this photo almost seems dream like; like reality can't be real.

In this youtube video, I like some of the imagery but what I liked most was the quickness of the images as certain points in the video.

3 New Artists

Alex Gross

Friday, April 8, 2011

The project

I will use a poem, “The Butterfly,” which describes my friend, for my project. “The Butterfly” is my poem. I lost my good friend when I was 25 years old. She had very pretty eyes and mind. My friend and I met in the middle school. We both had pernicious anemia. We needed a lot of money to treat our disease. Luckily, I could treat my disease, but her life environment was not good. Her parents did their best. For my friend to live for 25 years, her parents had to sell their house. However, her family members and I believed that she was treated and getting healthy. My friend had a dream, which was to be a make-up artist. She had always worked hard and kept her beautiful smile even in her poor condition. When she was 25 years old, her dream came true. I also could help my friend, because I was an advertising designer at that time. I could introduce many models to my friend. The opening party of her make-up office was delightful. I cannot forget my friend’s beautiful eyes, which were brimming with tears, and her gorgeous appearance. After six months, my friend was gone. I could not say good-bye to my friend because I was on a business trip. When I stayed in Alberta, Canada, two years ago, I held a solo art exhibition with stories such as poems and essays for Fund Raising of the Edmonton Korean Library. At that time, I recalled the memory that my friend and I never gave up our dream, and I wrote this poem. I will use my photos, drawings, and butterflies images to create my memory.

“The Butterfly”

Where she is, I wonder
She was always shining bright
In her day, young and gorgeous
Where she is, I wonder
She was always flying over
Hill of spring, freely all the way
Without folding her wings at all

Idea sites :
Mirror by Sylvia Plath



edge by Sylvia Plath

Insommac by Sylvia Plath

Thursday, April 7, 2011

When I was young, I used to make these "treasure" maps out of brown paper bangs so they looked old.. Instead of marking places where treasure was, I used to marked trees I found interesting, or old cars that were in the woods.

For my project, I want to shoot a panorama of the woods at my parents house, then make trees and other artifacts out of paper bags and place them within the panorama.

I am looking to make my multimedia about my memory of fallng inlove. I am going to use pictures of my own like the below examples but abstract them in a way that my piece does not resemble something from halmark. I want to incorprate each emotion i feel as the moment passes through each clip with designs mixed in with the photographs. For sound, I am thinking that a light piano in the backround with maybe an ambient heartbeat/breath gasping. I do not want this piece to be too explicit but I do want to portray what I was actually feeling at the moment. So pretty much incorprate both the physical and emotional levels at the same time.

Here are some images that interest me for my multimedia:

Project 4 proposal

For this project I will be representing a memory of a time when I was the closest I've ever been to getting in a car accident. I was going about 75 and a car crept out in front of me going about 30, trying to pick up speed on the highway. I had to make a quick decision, so I looked behind me and to the side of me and decided that I couldn't switch lanes or stop short-- so I chose to speed up and go between lanes to pass the car coming in. I remember feeling really hot because I was nervous, and when I started going through cars my music had never seemed so loud. I had a friend in the car with me who was clenching my arm, which heightened the tension. I remember that there were glares coming from all around me and the sun seemed so bright. If I could pick three words to describe this memory they would be loud, bright, and tense. I made it through the cars (still unsure how) and after I turned the music off and drove in silence while trembling and re-playing the memory through my head over and over, thinking of what could have happened. For this project I want to use images of glares, the textures of roads and cars, noise, and color and shape to express emotion. I am thinking of doing my 10 different pages as collages that take you through each stage of my memory. I want them to just continuously loop like the memory did in my head for the rest of the drive.

Project 4 works that relate

I chose this image because it shows how color and line can work to create emotion. I would use this technique along with pictures that I alter to help portray my memory.

This is another example of a collage using mixed media. I would do something like this for my project using my own images and colors and textures that correspond to my memory.

I chose this artist because I want to make my project a serious of collages using images that either remind me of my memory, or bring out the emotion that I want the viewer to feel.

I liked this image because it evokes feeling without using realistic objects. I have no idea what was used to make this, but it is unrecognizable to me and therefore keeps my attention.