Tuesday, March 8, 2011

For my spoof website I’ve decided to play on our obsession with celebrity and the 24 hour news cycle. With sites like twitter and tmz.com having gained so much popularity over the last couple of years I’ve begun to wonder why our attentions have been placed on such trivial information.
Perhaps if the amount of time we spend obsessing over celebrity were placed on something more “substantial” a greater good could be done. It is with this in mind that I’ve decided to create a “mashed up” website which plays on this concept. What if the same attention we pay to celebrities was placed on something like politics? What if bill signings in the Senate were given the same amount of coverage as Joan Rivers on the red carpet at the Oscars? I’m going to use the website tmz.com as a template but place the political news of websites such as cspan.org in the content of that site. “What did Hillary Clinton wear to her talks on Egypt?” and “NJ Senator goes on all night bender” are just some of the concepts I would like to play with. The feel would be all tmz.com but the content would be political in nature.

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