Tuesday, April 5, 2011

3 new artists

Aaron Kraten - I chose his work because he works with a lot of different mediums and his work is more sketchy than most work we've looked at thus far. I enjoy the shape and color that he chooses in most of his work as well.
Lucia Fischer- Fischer is a photographer that I chose. I picked her to share because she captures pictures of what she calls "forgotten history". She uses a black and white camera, but then plays with the image in photoshop to achieve the look that she wants. I am always interested in photography and photoshop so I picked her work because she exhibits talent at both things.
Andy Denzler - I chose this artist because he has an interesting style of painting. From far away his paintings look like photographs that contain too much movement, but from close up you can see that it is just his style of painting; some things are clear whereas others are not.

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