Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Here are some more artists that I've added to my online studio.


Gilbert Garcin- An artist that uses photography and creative titles to get the messages of his work across. I chose to use this because a lot of people have difficulty with naming their work.
Slinkachu- I chose this artist because I found the work to be very different then anything I've seen recently. This artist does street installations using very small figures and everything else from life.
Aurora Robson- I chose this artist because she has some very interesting installations.

Research Links

Here are some links that helped me out with my spoof website:

-This website talks about body image and how the media plays a huge part in influencing what is "right" and "wrong."

-This website shows statistics for anorexia. It also has charts representing these statistics. The information on this website really helped me with my Barbie spoof web page.

-This video shows how beauty is distorted in the media.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Links I enjoyed

This website lets you view murals painted in the Philadelphia area. Some really beautiful art.

This girl rode cross country on her like to raise money for cancer, documenting everything the whole way. From her speed, to where she was at. She used her phone for the whole thing too, to avoid needing a laptop/internet connection

The way they show off the clothes on this website is really different from how many other websites market their products and show them.

New artists I found

Kayla Pauly: Some New Links

Artist Three

Artist One

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jon "BONES" Jones

Jon "Bones" Jones is now rated the #3 overall pound for pound fighter. He became the youngest world champion in fighting history. He will make a guest appearance on Jay Leno tonight (Thursday March 24, 2011). Check it out and also check out the UFC website to learn more about him.


3 New Links

A great resource for interesting packing design.

A logo designer with a lot of things to day. His posts and the links he has are really useful

Illustrator Tutorials and other Graphics Information

Some other artists I found were Andy Goldsworthy, Jen Stark and Robert and Shana Parkeharrison.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Since we are doing spoof websites, I looked up a few other spoof websites on the internet today. I really liked the feel of three websites. They felt so legit at first glance and then when you read through things you see what a joke they are.
These are the three sites I enjoyed and will be adding to my website.




More artists

These are some more artists that I've added to my student page.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Project No.3

What is the real beauty? Can people only judge beauty by a good appearance? How much changes were there on the standard of beauty? How much does the culture affect on the standard of beauty? My concept in the third project is “beauty.” I will rebuild a model website which relates Linkwith a competition of the beauty model. I will introduce the different standard of beauty according to culture.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

For my spoof website I’ve decided to play on our obsession with celebrity and the 24 hour news cycle. With sites like twitter and tmz.com having gained so much popularity over the last couple of years I’ve begun to wonder why our attentions have been placed on such trivial information.
Perhaps if the amount of time we spend obsessing over celebrity were placed on something more “substantial” a greater good could be done. It is with this in mind that I’ve decided to create a “mashed up” website which plays on this concept. What if the same attention we pay to celebrities was placed on something like politics? What if bill signings in the Senate were given the same amount of coverage as Joan Rivers on the red carpet at the Oscars? I’m going to use the website tmz.com as a template but place the political news of websites such as cspan.org in the content of that site. “What did Hillary Clinton wear to her talks on Egypt?” and “NJ Senator goes on all night bender” are just some of the concepts I would like to play with. The feel would be all tmz.com but the content would be political in nature.

3 websites

My first website I am going to base my "spoof" site on is McDonalds. McDonalds is one of the
most popular fast food establishments in the world today. Which will allow me to base my website look and feel around it.

Fast food is unhealthy, the resturaunts are most of the time dirty and the quality of food and the workers there are very poor.

Some other websites along the lines of McDonalds Wendy's and Taco Bell.
I plan on making my website a combination of the three.

Here are a bunch of examples of the type of topics (different pages of the site) that I will talk about dealing with Fast Food



My pet peeve is the fact that there are so many annoying and distracting advertisements all over websites. It is annoying to wait for advertisements to load or to be finished before you can find what you originally went to the website for. So many sites now are cluttered with stupid ads. I do believe that there are ways to put ads on websites so that they are unobtrusive--however, it seems like not many people do. I want to create a website that has ads popping over the text, distracting the viewer from what they are reading. On my outgoing pages I will have it redirect to an advertisement before you can get to where you're going.

I will pull the formats from ABC News and Fox News.
A website that has annoying ads: MetroLyrics. When you search for popular lyrics, there are moving ads on the sides as well as ads that pop over the screen.

A few other websites I found since last class:

Project 3


My mass media pet peeve is that too many young girls are influenced to be super skinny. They are caught up in fashion and materialistic items that they see everyday in the world around them. The site I want to make fun of is all about Barbie. Young girls have a lot of barbies and want to be thin like her when they are older. Barbie is very unrealistic from her body proportions to her "life". This paints a fake life style for young girls who think that Barbie is a good role model and the ideal girl who has a normal life. Barbie's life is anything but normal.

project 3

hillshire farm
oscar mayer
ball park franks

I don't eat meat in order to lower my carbon footprint and I'm not really a fan of animal cruilty. Therefore, I want to do a spoof site that allows people to see how much energy is actually wasted in the meat industry and how animals are treated.
Three spoof sites I was thinking about making are:

The Jersey Shore

I was looking for something silly that people are obsessed with. I was also considering what these things would be like in everyday life. For example when you "follow" someone on Twitter if people actually followed each other or if there were really vampires. It might even be funny to combine Twilight and The Jersey Shore into the same spoof site.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mass Media

For my spoof webpage I chose people's obsession with the celebrity world. I think people get caught up in all the superficial gossip of this world, and stop worrying about what is going on in the world around them, and other issues that pertain to them and are actually relevant.
For my examples, I close People Magazine, Perez Hilton, and Us Weekly Magazine:

here are my website examples...

Fox News

Tea Party Patriots

Freedom Works

They all kind of have that over the top "patriotic" look.. everything has to be red, white, and blue, ant the logo has to be the flag in a different format.

Project 3 - Spoof

I really wanted to do a clothing store/site to spoof. I wanted to do Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, or Gap. The main reason why I wanted to do one of these was because they target to people that are very small and thin. The average person is not thin.

I really want to use the idea of promoting homosexuality and choose sites that clearly do not do so. Preferably catholic church sites.

1.CLICK <>



Friday, March 4, 2011

The Final Touch

We need make up to enhance the last beautiful image of the deceased.

Caskets designs

Everyone needs a final resting place; make it a gorgeous one.
This website provides a large selection of beautiful caskets at affordable prices.

Tombstons Design

Give your loved one a fitting memorial. Life remembered for future generations!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I though that this was pretty cool. I really enjoy street art and graffiti.

Street Art

New Artist


This artist does some very interesting stuff with photography and photoshop. His images play tricks on the eye and I think that they are worth looking at.

cool flash website

Hey check out this website...I like how animation is used throughout the website. Also sound effects and other cool flash roll over images are used. This is a very well done example of a design website using flash.

Chad Williams


cool flash website


Cool site about typography.

Cool Way To Display Clothing

This website is pretty awesome, for one their outerwear is great, and the way they decided to show it off is really different too.